by waterfiltersg | Aug 16, 2013 | Blog, General Blog
OTO (Orthotolidine) TestOTO is a solution that turns yellow when added to chlorinated water. The darker it turns, the more chlorine is present in the water. If the chlorine level is excessively high, then the solution will turn brown. One benefit of an OTO test is...
by waterfiltersg | Apr 13, 2013 | Blog, General Blog
Ultrafiltration Defined Ultrafiltration (UF) refers to a special type of filtration using a membrane and hydrostatic pressure to force liquid against it. The membrane is semi-permeable which means that it can separate certain substances from the liquid as the liquid...
by waterfiltersg | Apr 11, 2013 | Blog, General Blog
Why you should remove chlorine from your water Many household now use water purifying systems to filter their tap water before use. Why is this necessary? It’s become a popular addition to many homes because of the concern about chlorinated water and the possible...
by waterfiltersg | Apr 11, 2013 | Blog, General Blog
This is a common type of water filtration system, using the small pores found in natural ceramic material to effectively filter debris, bacteria and dirt out from the water supply. Diatomaceous earth, commonly known as clay, is a class of sedimentary rock, which is...
by waterfiltersg | Apr 4, 2013 | Blog, General Blog
So, after you have purchased the world’s number 1 biological Air Detoxifier, how do you care for it? Really, you do not need to be intimidated by the number of videos, they are just very simple, it is just super simplified to many parts. All it took was Kris...
by waterfiltersg | Jan 21, 2013 | Blog, General Blog
Our Products are NSF/ANSI certified. So what is NSF Certification? NSF is an international not-for-profit testing & certification agency founded in 1944. It is recognised globally as a leading expert in developing and administering performance standards for...